Monday, January 15, 2007

Lees Street Insight Group Presents:
14th-17th February 2007
Tickets available: 0161 231 0004

You can see photos from the pantomime by clicking on Our Church Photos Flickr badge

Fairtrade Fortnight: 26 Feb - 11 March 2007

The theme this year is Change Today, Choose Fairtrade.
With over 2000 Fairtrade certified products now available, it’s easier than ever to change what you eat drink and wear to Fairtrade. Look out for events at Lees Street during Fairtrade Fortnight...

Wednesday, January 10, 2007

Controversy about Diversity!

I recently gave a talk about Islam to a church group - for two reasons, I suppose: 1) because it's a contemporary subject which deserves some attention, not least because most news coverage is negative; and 2) because I believe it is a Christian responsibility to listen to others; after all, Jesus practised such hospitality that he would welcome even the people who were feared and avoided by most others. And the responses were interesting! Most were fascinated; they appreciated the need to understand better the religious tradition of Muslims. But someone thought I was "preaching Islam" - I'm not sure how, because I kept emphasising that we have differences, even as we also considered some of the interesting areas of overlap (e.g. Jesus is deeply respected in the Qur'an as a Great Prophet and a revelation of peace.)
Of course, it is always risky for someone of one faith to describe the beliefs of another faith - we can't help but over-simplify things and see them through our own eyes. But it's still important to try to understand where different people are coming from, just as the ecumenical movement has helped different church traditions to understand each other better. It is possible, too, to stand up for what you believe in while also listening to what others say. And in some respects, it is essential.

Tuesday, January 02, 2007

Happy New Year vision!

Happy New Year to you all! Even though it can be said without much thought, it's still a greeting of goodwill. It's not just words; it's a way of reaching out to one another. So, for us at Lees Street church at the beginning of 2007, where will our hopes and goodwill lead us? In Proverbs 29, verse 18, in the old Authorised Version of the Bible, it says "where there is no vision, the people perish." Later, more accurate translations put it this way: "where there is no prophecy, the people cast off restraint." The idea is that, 'prophecy' - or the discernment of God's word, God's ways - encourages people to be 'restrained', to 'stay true' to their calling. The alternative is: without vision, without prophecy, without God's word, people become reckless - they head off 'doing their own thing'. Obviously, people disagree greatly about the implications of this - one person's restraint is another person's recklessness! - but still there's the crucial idea that, as people of faith, we're called to root what we do in the vision God offers to us ... a vision of happiness, yes, but more importantly a vision of compassion, justice, peace, healing and hope.